What a day! So many catastrophes, all having to do with keys. How weird is that? Got ready to go to work, running late as usual, and noticed at last minute I didn't have my car/house/shop keys. Last time I saw them was when we opened up the shop on Sunday afternoon to let MJ and my granddaughters pick out some beauty, bath and body items. Fortunately I keep an extra car key and house key in my wallet. Found the car key and drove to the store, but then realized I didn't have an extra key for the store. Called Milan from my cell phone and he opened the door from the inside and gave me an extra key he had. Middle of afternoon, I needed to go to the bank. Found my little car key in my purse, grabbed it and the small ring of Milan's keys so I could get back into the shop, walked about 2 steps to my car, unlocked the door, threw my purse in, got in and realized I had somehow lost the car key. Called Milan again from my cell phone hoping he had an ex...