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Showing posts from April 8, 2017

THE ORIGIN OF EVIL published in Lebanon newspaper 04/08/17

My column in today's paper. The Origin of Evil As a child growing up on the cusp of the decades of the 1940s and 1950s, I still have a vivid memory of turning on the big console radio in our “front room” and tuning in to hear a male voice intoning the sinister words: “Who knows what evil lurks in the heart of man?” The answer of course was “The Shadow knows.” It was all we knew about evil in our childish innocence of that time, not having a live streaming of Adolf Hitler’s newest concentration camp during the Holocaust being piped though our television sets every evening. The closest we came to understanding a presence of evil during those days of the Cold War was running out into the yard every time we heard an airplane, trying to read what insignia might be emblazoned on its fuselage, hoping it was not a Russian bomber, because we were having drills at school of ducking underneath our desks just in case we were attacked. Now, thanks to the 24 hour streaming news on all our e