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Showing posts from July 3, 2023


  If you like American history, here are some quotes I found in research when I was writing a column for Independence Day. These are in no particular order, but like the column I posted earlier today, they are not always taught in school Manifest Destiny - (research,) Washington in Farewell Address: Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism, who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens. Free gov't was not to be led by men and women free of religion. Washington said he could "trace the finger of God through those dark and mysterious events" that gave rise to the United State of America. Tocqueville described the Puritans as "the scattering of the seed of a great people which God with His own hands is planting on a predestined shore". John Jay (Federalis...


  Recently, a friend sent me a most profound photo she had seen on the Internet. I was so moved by the picture that I posted it on my Facebook cover page where it remains today and I invite you to look at it. The picture is of a bald eagle perched on a tombstone in a military cemetery. The picture was taken by an amateur photographer, Frank Glick, who was on his way to work one morning in the early spring of 2011. He was driving through Fort Snelling National Cemetery in Minnesota when he saw it, a huge eagle perched on a tombstone, its eyes alert, its head craned, looking for prey. He grabbed his ever present Nikon camera, and got the perfect shot. He shared the picture with a co-worker and they decided to try to track down the family of the man whose name was on that tombstone. After doing extensive research, they were able to locate Vivian Ruch, widow of Maurie Ruch who had served four years in the U.S. Army Air Corps in WW2 and earned a bronze star. We can only imagine...