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Showing posts from March 29, 2017

Rumblings of Unrest in Russia published in Lebanon newspaper 03/29, 2017

While we in the U.S. have been absorbed in our national news coming out of Washington D.C. and other places, some interesting things have been happening in Russia of which we need to take account.   On March 26, more than 1,000 people were arrested in Moscow, along with smaller numbers in 82 different Russian cities.  Those arrested were protesting against Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev because of allegations published earlier this month by a political opponent of President Putin and the Prime Minister.  Medvedev is a former president of Russia and a close ally of Vladimir Putin.   It was estimated that altogether 60,000 people turned out  for the protests throughout the country. The allegations were made by Alexei Navalny,  a 40 year old politician in Russia who has expressed opposition toward Putin and Medvedev and other officlals, charging them with high levels of corruption.  Navalny’s high profile expose alleged many accounts of corru...