Column published today in LDR: Have you seen the latest credit card commercial which has the tag line “what if people really said what they meant?” It is a good illustration of the term hypocrisy, which seems to be a growing trend in our culture today. Hypocrisy is an interesting word. In its most simple form, it refers to an actor. In our modern day use and understanding it is the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform. We have all seen the theatrical masks representing comedy and tragedy. Masks such as these were used by actors in Greek and Roman plays so the audience would know what part the actor was playing. Hypocrisy is just wearing a mask to conceal one’s true identity, which is what is happening today in government. Getting back to the credit card commercial, and the hypocrisy which has become the very essence of current politics, let’s examine the “what if people really said what th...