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Showing posts from July 15, 2014

Strategic Defense Initiative published LDR 07/13/14

I’ve been watching the news coverage of Hamas missiles attacking Israel for the last several days.  The chilling wailing of the air-raid sirens reminds me to pray for the Israelis and their leaders every time I hear them go off. I support Israel in its defense efforts and I’m  thankful for the Iron Dome that Israel has put in place but  regret that we were never able to get its counterpart in our own country where we are vulnerable and in the hands of more of our allies when we had the capability and a president with the desire to do so. I  served as Laclede County chairman for the Reagan campaigns in the 80’s, and  in that context, one of Lt. Gen. Daniel Graham’s associates in the High Frontier organization approached me about becoming a part of the National Speakers’ Bureau for the Strategic Defense Initiative, also known as the SDI. At that time, the defense policy of the United States consisted of the  Mutually Assured Destruction doctrine, approp...