I have another birthday tomorrow. Eighty years of looking back gives one an excellent vantage point from which to measure time. And living in the heart of the Ozarks where seasons are distinct and reliable give you another way of measuring the nuances of life. There is a season for planting when parents and teachers plant seeds of virtues like honesty and hard work, accountability and responsibility, character and reputation, (and knowing the difference), the value of time and money. Things like “you may be poor, but you don’t have to go dirty!” Then comes the long season of growth. High school and maybe college. That first job and first car. Marriage and children. Raises and promotions. Home ownership. Friendships multiply and deepen. Life is a continuous growing process during this period of time. Still learning something new every day, mostly the hard way - by experience. The biggest mistake we can make in this time of our life is to think it will last forever. ...