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Showing posts from May 23, 2012

Fibromyalgia, another symptom I have

I found this on a fibromyalgia  blog and realized it is the epitome of my obsession about worms, and other things.  Made me realize I am not crazy because I am always looking for worms and can spot one a mile away! Hypervigilance:  a state of being constantly tense, on guard, and exceptionally aware of the environment. Some researchers believe that hypervigilance is a feature of fibromyalgia  and  chronic fatigue syndrome . Some research supports this hypothesis, while some does not. The idea is that our brains become overly aware of things, which can include painful stimuli, noises, bright lights, and general activity. That could explain why our bodies react so strongly to sensation that most people wouldn't experience as painful, as well as why we're sensitive to noise, light , chaotic environments and more. With hypervigilance, not only do you notice things more readily, you're likely to be unable to divert our attention from them. When something is ...

Cemetery Winds LDR column 05.23.12

Straight From The Hart By Joan Rowden Hart Reflections on Cemetery Winds. For the rest of this week,  and over the holiday weekend, most of us will  visit a cemetery or several of them.  Some will come bearing floral sprays and vases to place on graves of loved ones.  Friends will meet and greet, some will shed tears, but all will feel the inevitable winds which seem to always blow through a cemetery. Some time ago I stood in one of our local cemeteries,  and after arriving back home, I went to my computer and wrote the following reflections on my time there. I enter the cemetery, and it lies silent before me.  The tombstones stand as sentinels as if there is a need to protect the stories that the upright stones would tell. So I stand in the quietness of this place,  and while my eyes are looking at dates and names and epitaphs, the ears of my soul are straining to hear the hidden secrets of the lives of those whose bones now lie bene...