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Showing posts from June 13, 2012

That Silver Haired Daddy of Mine

Straight From The Hart By Joan Rowden Hart That Silver Haired Daddy Of Mine I was born in 1943.  My parents are both still alive and in some ways in better health than I am.  If you do the math it will be obvious that I belong to a rather elite group of senior citizens  who still have their parents with them.  You can believe me when I say I know how fortunate I am. My dad has spent a lot of time writing his autobiography, thereby giving me a first-hand glimpse into the kind of life he had growing up as a boy in these Ozark Hills, and of my grandparents’ home and family life. On this Father’s Day weekend, I am sharing with you some of his stories.  He can write better than I can, but in the interest of getting as much into the space allotted to me through the generosity of the Lebanon newspaper, I am going to paraphrase his writings. He was born to Lloyd Melvin Rowden and Amanda Jane Smith Rowden in 1923.  They had met while in their ...