Can you imagine what would happen if one thousand children ranging in age from toddlers in diapers to young teenagers were dumped out on the corner of Commercial and Jefferson some night and abandoned with no adult supervision? This has become a real life situation for many American cities on the southern border of the country over the past several weeks. Almost 50,000 unaccompanied children of all ages have been picked up in Texas alone since October, some as young as 3 years of age. This “humanitarian crisis” as the White House refers to it, has come about as a result of a program put into effect by President Obama in June 2012 called Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) which allowed minors coming into the U.S. to escape deportation for 2 years, and another two year window was opened up last week. So from all over Central America, especially Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala, children are coming through Mexico and into the U.S. Parents are...