On October 26 of this year, a very special dedication service was held at Camp Pendleton, CA, to honor a very special Marine. The Marine was Staff Sgt. Reckless, probably the most famous War Horse in American history and her dedication was the unveiling of a large bronze statue of her. The dedication ceremony was attended by high-ranking U.S. Marines as well as veterans of the Korean War who served with her. Sgt. Reckless was a “little white-faced” Mongolian mare. Her name was a contraction of the name of the Recoilless rifle and also reflected the daredevil attitude of those who used the gun. She was bought at a race track in Seoul during the Korean War and was trained by the Marines as a war horse, taught to walk over trip wires, avoid incoming enemy fire and deliver huge packs of ammunition during battle. She often carried wounded Marines on the front lines under enemy fire to safety. She quickly learned each supply route after only a coup...