It was just a normal school day in Lebanon. I don’t remember the exact date but it would have been sometime in the late 1950’s. An office aide entered my classroom and I heard the teacher call my name, asking me to come to her desk. She had a strange look on her face as she told me to go to the principal’s office with the aide. Never in all my years of school had I ever been sent to the principal’s office. I was too scared to even wonder what I had done wrong as the office girl walked me down the hall. Once inside Mr. Rainey’s office, I saw a couple of people standing there including a strange man dressed in a dark suit. I remember he looked rather ominous. He asked me my name and when I told him, he handed me a post card, asking me if I had ever seen it before. I recognized it as a card I had sent a week or so before to The Daily Worker, the newspaper published at that time in New York City by the Communist Party USA, asking them to s...