Straight From The Hart Joan Rowden Hart I have had several weeks of unrelenting pain lately, and haven’t felt much like coming up with something on my own, so for this week’s column, I am borrowing from my dad’s autobiography again. Many of you mentioned to him at the Hughes Center and elsewhere how much you enjoy reading his memories. This episode occurred the summer of 1928 when my dad (Francis “Fritz” Rowden) was 5 years old. My Grandpa Lloyd Rowden had brought the family, which consisted at that time of my Grandpa and Grandma (Amanda Smith) Rowden and my dad and his younger brother, Russ, into town to see my great-grandparents, Walter and Jane “Bee” Rowden. They approached the city limits from the west and entered through Young Addition. They turned right at 2nd St and passed Frank Kimball’s blacksmith shop and three blocks farther was the Lebanon Water and Power Plant. One block more and they turned r...