How many of you remember the Gold Fire military exercises which took place in Lebanon and surrounding counties in the fall of 1964? Sometimes vague memories like this just kind of creep out of the mists of my memory from time to time. I don’t know what triggered it this time, but I was curious enough to follow through with some research. I went to the Facebook group page which houses a lot of school and area memories because it is written by Lebanon school alumni who are close to my age. I brought up the subject there, and thought I would share some of their memories with you in this column. Milan and I lived in a little house on North Adams and occasionally would see one of the soldiers running through the yard but apparently they were much more visible out in the county. Gold Fire was a simulated battle exercise between the Ozark and Sioux forces during U.S. Strike Command’s Joint Exercise held in Southern Missouri in November 1964. It appears fro...