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Showing posts from January 14, 2017

The Great Fire and Ice Storm of 1987 published in Lebanon newspaper 01/14/17

It was Christmas Day 1987 - 29 years ago.     I don’t remember that we had a lot of warning about an impending ice storm but weather predictions were different back then.  Most local people were sitting down to their Christmas dinner with family when the power to their homes went off. My turkey was not quite done but we finished cooking it on a wood heating stove we had in my office so we could eat.  Then we prepared for bed early.  We only had a few oil lamps back then and the house was getting cold.   Our daughter was in high school and recovering from surgery, so the three of us bedded down in the living room because it was warmer there. Then the phone rang.  Our next door neighbor, Harry Hatten, was on the line with the alarming news that  downtown Lebanon was on fire! Lebanon lost at least 4 businesses in the 100 block of W. Commercial on the south side of the street that night, including Mayfield Abstract, Ted’s Jewe...