READING IN HEAVEN, ETC. A FB friend asked me if I thought we would read in heaven because she didn't have time to read "down here". This was my response and since then several other friends have asked me to re-post it. Of course we can. The actual translation of "in my house are many mansions" as in John 14 is "In my house are many rooms". I take that to mean heaven is one big house for the one big family of God with all these different rooms. #1 the most magnificent library ever. Remember that John wrote that if he had been able to write down everything Jesus said or did, that the world could not contain all the books that could be written! But heaven can! God wants us to have knowledge. I think it was Hosea who wrote that "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." #2 the largest dining room ever imagined. The Bible says we shall eat angels' food and refers to the corn of heaven so I am thinking the longest fattest cobs of corn ...