The baby panda born a week ago in the Smithsonian National Zoo in Washington D.C. died on Monday of this week, and the entire nation seems to be mourning its death. CBS called the news of the panda’s death “devastating”. Fox News reported that condolences were pouring in from all over the world. Also on Monday, approximately 3,288 human infants died in the United States, murdered in the very place where they should have been the most safe – their mother’s womb. Now don’t get me wrong. I love animals as much as anyone else, but where are our priorities? Every day over 3000 babies are aborted in our country. That comes out to one baby every 26 seconds, or nine every 4 minutes, or 137 an hour. Do the math. That is 1.2 million every year. So 54.5 million babies have been killed since the Roe v. Wade court decision in 1973. Those numbers are just the surgical and medical abortions, they do not include the chemical abortions done by abortifacients (drugs that induce or cause abortions)...