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Showing posts from May 6, 2017

REFLECTIONS ON NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER published in Lebanon newspaper on 05/06/17

Another National Day of Prayer has come and gone.  I hope you took  time to reflect upon your own prayer life, as well as the corporate prayers of our nation.  There can be no argument that we have much to pray about in these days of violence and the threat of more war.  My own list grows longer each day. I was first introduced to the Day of Prayer sometime in the mid-1980s when I was asked to be the speaker at the observance in the National Cemetery in Springfield.  When I moved to Farmington sometime later to pastor a church, I participated in that city’s prayer observances.   Upon returning to Lebanon I began putting together an  early evening inter-denominational community service after people got off work on the National Day of Prayer.  It was held on the steps of the courthouse or in the lobby of the Civic Center where we brought in special singers and speakers or choirs from one of the schools.  We invited city and county offici...