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Showing posts from August 5, 2014

The Fabric of our Nation, published in Lebanon Daily Record on August 2, 2014

I was pleasantly surprised to receive a packet in the mail recently from Dee Wampler, Springfield attorney, talk radio host and author. It contained his most recent book “Standing On The Front Line”. Dee was my first political mentor back in the 70’s and has remained a good friend all these years. I never dreamed that I would need his newest book for research so soon, but then I heard the President’s pronouncement this week giving credit to the Muslims for their contributions to “building the very fabric of our nation and strengthening the core of our democracy”, and I had to respond in some fashion. So let me get this straight. A few months ago he pointed his finger and lashed out at American entrepreneurs, telling them “You didn’t build that!” even though they invested many years of labor and thousands of their own dollars and assumed tremendous risk to build a business. Now he is giving credit to Muslims for building America? For strengthening the core of democracy? The Mus...