My column from today's Lebanon Daily Record: Medical Kidnappings on the Increase Arianna and Dominick, 9 month old twins, should have been enjoying all the sights and sounds of their first Christmas at home with their parents, Cassaundra and Warnell, but they were not allowed to do so. Five months ago, the Child Protective Services of Illinois removed them from the family home and put them in foster care. They are now in their fourth foster home in five months, and although the parents are supposed to be able to see them for a weekly two-hour visit, that visit was cancelled because the foster parents had taken them out of state for Christmas. Eight year old Jaxon Adams was removed from his parents’ custody by CPS working with Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City upon the insistence of a nurse practitioner working with Beacon Clinic at Children’s Mercy. That nurse told him if she had her way, he would “never see his mother or father again”. Four month old Kathryn Hughes...