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Showing posts from February 18, 2017

THE KEEPER OF THE CLUTTER, published LDR 02/18/17

My column in today's paper. THE KEEPER OF THE CLUTTER What do collectors, hoarders, savers, and clutterers have in common? I should know the answer to this question since my husband and I fall into all these categories to some extent or the other. I often facetiously tell my friends that I could be the poster child for hoarding, but in all seriousness I don’t go that far. My dishes are always cleaned up (thanks to my industrious husband), I don’t collect empty cartons (except those left over from Christmas last year and which are destined for the recycle bin as soon as I can find someone to haul them away for me), and there are no “goat trails” through my house - not downstairs anyway. For those of you who, like my daughter, are minimalists and actually have bare shelf space in their homes, a goat trail is the term used for hoarders who pile stuff floor to ceiling, leaving only a narrow path to walk through the rooms. So we can safely eliminate the word hoarding from my housek...