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Showing posts from March 4, 2017

FORGET THE MOVIE, READ THE BOOK, Published in LDR 03/04/17

Have you seen “The Shack”, or do you intend to see it?  I would encourage you not to go, but not for the reason you might think.  I would strongly advise you to read the book instead.  I found the book to be so fascinating and thought-provoking that I fear the movie will not live up to it and you would not get the full benefit of what the author is trying to say.  Also, you will enjoy the story  more if you have to use your imagination.  I understand from others that movie makers feel they have to “fill in the gaps” and elaborate on things that take away from the real message of the story. I rarely read fiction and I don’t go to movies.  So how did I get caught up in reading such a controversial book as “The Shack”?  I am a very conservative, born-again, Bible-believing Christian, not exactly the type of person who would read, much less enjoy, the type of novel Wm. Young has written. Well, you might say it was due to medical advice.  Si...