Straight From The Hart By Joan Rowden Hart I have always been fascinated by the study of our U.S. Constitution. In the fall of 1991, I sat transfixed in front of my television set during the confirmation hearings for Clarence Thomas who had been nominated to the U.S. Supreme Court by President George H.W. Bush to replace Justice Thurgood Marshall. The hearings lasted for hours and into the next day if I recall, and I was fascinated by the profundity of the arguments and testimony. I was then, and remain today, a steadfast supporter of Justice Thomas. But even before then, in the spring of 1988, I served as a delegate to the Jefferson Meeting, a bi-partisan non-advocacy debate of issues concerning the Constitution sponsored by the Missouri Press-Bar Commission in Jefferson City. The Jefferson Meeting’s format is based on the original Constitutional Convention and it is an open public debate. I was designated one of the group speakers in the category ...