Ode To The Foods of Summer Written by Joan Rowden Hart ©June 2018 Nothing works better to relieve summer’s stress Than preparing the season’s first beans Sitting in a recliner with bowl on your lap Anticipating the meal of your dreams Those delicate green pods are awaiting the mantle Of bacon’s smokey goodness just right Vidalia’s sweet onions add just the right touch To whet even the least appetite Small pearls of potatoes so tender and white Are the next layer of this tasty meal They will melt in your mouth in a buttery flash Creamy sweet with just a hint of red peel. Tomatoes of red sliced thin and arranged On a plate with red florals to match With white and green onion stems artfully laid To provide a bright color contrast. Cucumbers cut neatly in quarters or slices With a rich sour cream dip on the side And a second mixture of vinegar marinade Sometimes it’s hard to decide. Yellow cobs of sweet corn steaming hot from the pot Draped with butter and pepper and salt Those glitt...