For The Love Of Words I love words. All words. But some are especially beautiful to me for various reasons. You will notice I use them more often than others. Ephemera is one. Nuances is another. My very favorite is nostalgia, and I love the story about how it came to be. Nostalgia is a one of my favorite words, rich with meaning. I love the way the syllables roll off the tongue when I speak it, and the way it looks when I type it, and its origins from the Greek language - “nostos” meaning homecoming and “algos” meaning pain or ache. It was sometime in the 17th century that a medical student noticed that Swiss mercenaries displayed strange symptoms when they were away from home in battle. In those days it was considered a medical condition and they called it nostalgia. Nostalgia is a longing for the past, so much so that you almost ache - the pleasurable memories of the good times long ago combined with the pain of knowing it will never be like that again. It is a wistful desire ...