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Showing posts from September 19, 2012

Where Were You July 20, 1969? (LDR column)

Straight From The Hart Joan Rowden Hart Do you remember what you were doing on July 20, 1969, the historic day when Neil Armstrong set foot on the surface of the moon? I hope you had the opportunity last week to watch some of the televised coverage of his memorial service at Washington National Cathedral. Fellow astronaut Gene Cernan, the last man to walk on the moon, gave an emotional eulogy, and there wasn’t a dry eye in the house (nor in my office) when Diana Krall walked to the piano and accompanied herself beautifully as she sang “Fly Me To The Moon”. In some ways people my age pretty much grew up with our space program, and I can remember where I was when some of the notable events occurred. As a freshman in high school, I remember sitting in my classroom  on October 4, 1957 as we discussed the news that morning that Russia had launched the Sputnik satellite, and how disturbed our teachers were that they were now ahead of us in the “space race”.  L...

Turnips and Corn Bread

When the summer days are waning and the air has just a hint Of the coming chill of autumn, and you faintly catch the scent Of  a pile of leaves aburning, and you know what’s just ahead Then your hungry soul starts thinking of fall turnips and corn bread. There’s a pork roast in the crockpot, with potatoes on the side And sliced apples swathed in butter, in a skillet they’ve been fried With some sugar and some cinnamon, to the table you are led Cause you know that supper’s waiting with fall turnips and corn bread. Somehow I’m sure that round God’s table angels will be waiting there With a smile of eager welcome as they point you to a chair And they hand you a holy menu, full of items that you’ll be fed And you’ll find that heaven’s manna is fall turnips and corn bread. Written by Joan Rowden Hart, September 18, 2012