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Showing posts from October 16, 2013


STRAIGHT FROM THE HART By Joan Rowden Hart I haven’t written many columns here this past summer, due to constant pain and lack of mobility. Lots of you have asked me about that, so I’m going to try and do more writing as we transition into fall. I’m writing today to tell you about Annie, who has been my constant companion as I read and worked on my sermons and poetry and other writings these past ten years.  I first met Annie back in February 2004 after Milan told me to go out and look for something I would like to have for Valentine’s Day and he promised to get it for me no matter what it was.  He has often joked that he should have  put some conditions on that.  But he didn’t, and so I headed straight to the Humane Society animal shelter. It had been two long years since we had put our beloved Maine Coon cat to sleep, a big pile of what appeared to be nothing but fur but with a huge heart  hidden inside.  We had named him Ollie in honor of...