Sunday, November 7, 1999 was an exciting day for Milan and me and our family members and friends as we gathered for our first service as the Oakland Heritage Church of God, in the building formerly known as the Oakland Moravian Methodist Church. I had learned in the early summer that the Methodists who had been worshipping there for many years were looking for another church group to take over the building, and the legal technicalities had taken most of the summer to get worked out. Shortly after we started having services there, we learned the history of the building - that it was one of the oldest church buildings in the county which had been in constant use as a church since it was built by Jacob Blickensderfer and his sons in 1887. Milan and I became immersed in the story of the Blickensderfer family, and the history of the Moravian church denomination. We also came to the conclusion that Jacob Blickensderfer was one of the best kept secrets of Laclede County....