The development of one of the most beautiful areas around here could accurately be called “A Tale Of Two Families”. Our story starts when three different Bennett families migrated here in the mid to late 1840’s from Virginia and Kentucky through Illinois down to Missouri. About the same time the Brice family migrated to Missouri from Illinois, in search of land which the U.S. Government was selling to settlers for $1.25 an acre. James Brice camped beside a clear stream of water that flowed from a large deep spring and eventually emptied into the Niangua River. He filed a claim with the government for the 160 acres on which the spring was located and kept buying land as money became available until he owned all the land through which the stream flowed on its way to the Niangua. He planted many different crops and built a mill on the stream between the spring and the site of the present day dam. In the late 1840’s Peter Bennett, Sr. and his famil...