In 1969 Dr. Carrington told me I had arthritis and would have to take 8 aspirin a day for the rest of my life. I was 26 years old and MJ had just been born. Of course aspirin was the only pain reliever back in those days but that's not the point I want to make. I remember the night I prayed about that. I remember the chair I was sitting in and where the chair was. And I remember my prayer: “Lord, if it is your will that I spend my entire life in pain, dependent upon medication, then I accept that. But I know this one thing. You are able to heal me and I have no doubts about that at all. If you choose not to heal me, then you have a reason. And I accept that, but if it is your will to heal me, I accept that too and I will praise you for it. He healed me that night and I was able to fulfill 4 different career paths and be a wife to Milan and a mother to our daughter. I was not perfect in either of those areas but I did the best I could. And God gave me the ability to wr...