As I write this, I am up against my deadline, trying to think what to write this week. I don’t know which came first - my tendency to procrastinate until the last minute, or the fact that I’ve always worked best under pressure, but it is a combination of both that have defined my working life over the years. This has been a week of extremes in so many ways, and the television images of violence, tragedy and human suffering beyond comprehension have overwhelmed me, both physically and mentally. So when I opened this morning’s paper and read about the start of a new school year, I decided to take a completely different route this week and meander down memory lane with you, sharing stories with which many of you will probably identify. It was 1949 when I headed off to school. I don’t remember the first day although I have a cute picture of me holding my little metal lunch box, which I am sure would be worth a fortune today if I still had it. But ...