Dinosaur Bones & Other Childish Dreams - original poem about Lorna Dinosaur Bones and Other Childish DreamsI threw away an old bone my granddaughters found while visiting last week. When mommy and daddy came to get them, little Lorna couldn’t wait to show them her dinosaur bone. The look on her little face when I told her I had thrown it away will haunt me forever. I learned my lesson that day. I will never destroy a child’s dream again, even if my coffee table gets covered with “dinosaur bones”. The Dinosaur Bone While playing in the yard last week she found an old bleached bone; She brought it to me, so excited her little eyes just shone “This came from a dinosaur” she said. You’ve never seen such pride; It was the find of her life for a four year old, her brown eyes open wide. As the day wore on she laid it down; Other things got her attention. I found it on my coffee table and decided not to mention That it was left over from table scraps we'd ha...