SWEET EPHEMERA OF LIFE Memories, such sweet stuff. Precious memories a lyricist once wrote. Memories influence our life in so many ways. Making us what we are today. Guiding our passions, enhancing our talents. My Grandma Dame kept a scrapbook. Not the fancy kind..... Just an old geography textbook where she pasted newpaper clippings she liked Over the original pages; Mostly poems, some from Grit magazine. Recipes she wanted to try, also from Grit. A picture of the Dionne quintuplets born in 1934. An old photograph purporting to show Jesus in the clouds. I loved that old scrapbook. I nearly wore it out just looking at it. When I was in the third grade, I started my own scrapbook. As time went by, I threw the clippings into shoe boxes. Then I discovered manila folders. And made files. And labelled them. And alphabetized them. Then I bought file cabinets for the files. But again I ran out of time and just threw the clippings into the fi...