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Showing posts from April 28, 2012

Mr. & Mrs. Milan Hart 11-16-63

Music - traditional v. contemporary

One of the greatest mysteries of life to me is how there can be so many different tastes in music.  Leaving secular music out entirely, and just concentrating on religious/sacred/gospel music, I am constantly amazed at the difference in preferences . Our youth director at church and I go "round and round" about this all the time, in a friendly teasing way. I can appreciate that the difference can be accounted for probably 50% generationally, maybe 40% by what we listened to in our growing up years, which are highly influenced by the music we listen to, and that leaves 10% to be put in the category of just "taste" or "preference". I understand all this, I can even wrap my mind around it, but just for listening pleasure, for the life of me I can't imagine anyone taking pleasure from anything except what we call southern gospel.  The instrumentation, the lyrics, the harmony - it just doesn't get any better than southern gospel. I find contempor...

Book about Blickensderfer and Oakland

Milan and Mike Griffin -barbershop photo

Photo of Grayson (deceased) and Annie

Milan cuts Alva Hazell's hair. This is from Hazell's collection of pics.