The Seasons Of Our Life In late 2010 I began doing an in-depth study on the seasons of our lives. All the properties of seasons, how they come in cycles and how they change. Sometimes predictable but not always. Each season has it's pros and cons. I did this in order to be better pastor to the people in my church who were going through their own seasons of change. Some were getting older and having to give up routine activities. Some were dealing with the sudden onset of disease or sickness. Some were dealing with family changes - marriage, problems with children, etc. Some were dealing with financial issues, loss of jobs, accumulation of debt, etc. And of course some were dealing with the loss of friends or family, through death, or divorce, etc. Seasons are cyclical, but our life seasons come and go in different ways than the normal seasons of the year. New relationships can be forged. Broken relationships can be mended. ...