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Showing posts from October 15, 2016


My column in Lebanon newspaper October 14, 2016 When you are a columnist and you are  coming up against a deadline and all the wells of thought seem to be going dry, you tend to latch onto any chance remark that might replenish the seedbed somewhat.  Such was the case this week.  I had been, since a week ago Saturday, fully involved in a very tedious process of catching up on financial records and other filing on which I tend to procrastinate until pushed to the very limit, and I had lost track of where I was in the week, even to the point of forgetting what day it was. So when Ken York, the patient editor of this newspaper, picked up on a remark from my column last Saturday about becoming friends with Sarah Overstreet after several years of rivalry when we were both writing for the Springfield newspaper, I was grateful for the opportunity to visit the concept that when you get to know somebody, instead of just knowing about them, it opens up a whole new world. M...