I remember the first newspaper I ever read. I was in the first grade and just learning to read and I picked up a newspaper somewhere in our home to try to learn to read better. The article contained the word "can't" and I was totally stumped. I hadn't seen that one in the Dick & Jane book at school. I took it to my grandmother who told me what it meant and that it was a contraction as she used my question as a teachable moment. From that moment on, I was hooked on newspapers and newspaper clippings and it is an addiction which continues to this day. If you don't believe me, just come visit me sometime. There are newspapers in every room, on every table, under the bed and you would probably have to move one or several to find a chair to sit in. I got to the point where I let them stack up, threw a tablecloth over them and used them as a lamp table. I can't bear to throw them away until I have read them and obviously I will never get that done. I ha...