THE LITTLE WHITE CHURCH ON THE HILL The old oak tree still stands on the hill, it’s branches spreading wide; The cedar trees with their perfume, lined up, still stand beside The cemetery, with tombstones old, so peaceful and so still, But the centerpiece of this rural scene is the little white church on the hill. Since 1883 it has stood there, a lighthouse to show the way, A haven for the weary, a place for the burdened to pray. Jacob Blickensderfer designed it, but God set the dream in his heart. Oakland needed a churchhouse, where people could draw apart And come to a place of worship when they needed sweet peace and rest; A place where they felt God’s presence, when they needed to be blessed; A place where they sought His healing when the physical body was ill; Jacob built them this House of Worship, this little white church on the hill. The bell tower guards the southern side, the bell rings loud and clear Proclaiming the time of worship has come, as it’s done for...