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Showing posts from March 23, 2014

OBAMA AND CHAVEZ: WHO KNEW? Published in Lebanon Daily Record March 22, 2014

He has finally admitted it. We now know what the President’s goals have been for his administration and who has inspired him in this regard. You thought it was immigration reform? Or health care reform? Or maybe to rebuild and strengthen the economy, or to continue to earn respect for our country across the world? As to his inspiration, perhaps you thou ght it was to “help the folks”. I mean, he says that all the time, right? Not really. If you think our well being is uppermost in his thoughts, the first thing he thinks about in the morning and the last thing on his mind at night, then you would be more than a little off-base. His real goal, his major source of inspiration, was revealed in a short speech he made to about 100 people at the White House Wednesday, a speech which hasn’t even made the major news casts the last I heard. And it took place at a movie screening for a new movie to be released next week called “Cesar Chavez”. The President said he couldn’t stay to watch the movie...