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Showing posts from November 26, 2016

AND ABOVE ALL ELSE, FAITH (Published in Lebanon paper 11/26/16)

One of my preacher friends on Facebook reported last week that  one of the children in his Sunday School class brought his Bible to him with a very puzzled look on his face.  The young man said, “Pastor, I’m having trouble finding the Thanksgiving story in my Bible.  Is it in the New or the Old Testament?” That may bring a smile to the faces of those of us who are Bible students but it illustrates a very important truth  - that it is impossible to separate the true meaning of Thanksgiving from some very profound tenets of the Judeo-Christian belief system, i.e. that God is sovereign, that He hears and answers prayer, and that He is faithful to the nations whose people are faithful to him. There are many parts to a traditional American Thanksgiving celebration.  If we wanted to alphabetize them it would be easy because  we could put them all under the letter “F”. First and foremost to some is the Food.  We Americans love our turkey and dres...