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Showing posts from February 14, 2024

Vintage Valentines

  (These families were well known in Lebanon and Windyville and Bennett Spring (Brice) and Flatwoods, all over that area so I thought a lot of you might locate a relative’s name.  I wrote this column for the Lebanon paper several years ago.) How many of you remember in grade school in the 40s and 50s we all made valentine boxes and took to school and exchanged valentines?  Boys to boys, girls to girls, made no difference in gender, we all were friends and we loved to take and receive valentines, homemade or "boughten" .  This was even more true back in the 20s and 30s.  It was like families sending Christmas cards to other families like we do nowadays.      The picture I used for the cover picture are just a few of the Valentines my Uncle Loran Dame received in the 30s when he was a teenage boy .  Uncle Loran saved these all those years in a box where we found them after he died in 2008.  The valentines and the friends were mos...