One of the greatest mysteries of life to me is how there can be so many different tastes in music. Leaving secular music out entirely, and just concentrating on religious/sacred/gospel music, I am constantly amazed at the difference in preferences . Our youth director at church and I go "round and round" about this all the time, in a friendly teasing way. I can appreciate that the difference can be accounted for probably 50% generationally, maybe 40% by what we listened to in our growing up years, which are highly influenced by the music we listen to, and that leaves 10% to be put in the category of just "taste" or "preference". I understand all this, I can even wrap my mind around it, but just for listening pleasure, for the life of me I can't imagine anyone taking pleasure from anything except what we call southern gospel. The instrumentation, the lyrics, the harmony - it just doesn't get any better than southern gospel. I find contempor...