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Showing posts from January, 2013


Straight From The Hart By Joan Rowden Hart Recently Milan and I were watching an interview on television related to some current movies,and I made the statement about how shallow a person’s intellect would have to be to find entertainment in such mindless drivel,  and I wondered out loud, “Have people completely lost their brains nowadays?” As I was thinking about this to a greater extent later on, I realized that what we are dealing with in our culture today is indeed a devolution of the mind.  Those of you who are my age have only to think back to the time we were growing up to understand how far we have gone astray as a once civilized nation. Things just don’t make sense anymore.  They used to.  But the farther we progress in the habits and patterns of daily living, taking into account our morals and values, (or the lack thereof) , our lifestyles including what passes for entertainment and music, our family life with marriage,  (or the absence thereof), the w...

Wish I Had Known Back Then

Here's a little silly something I got into when I originally posted on Facebook about my ice dispenser on the fridge jamming and then sending ice cubes all over my kitchen floor. Thought you all might enjoy it since it "harks back" to "when you and I were young Maggie". Trying to pick up little melting pieces of ice on a slick floor with basically long handled tweezers - not easy. managed to catch some of them, I wish I had played pickup sticks more when I was a kid. You never know how handy that stuff will come in when you get old. Which opens up a whole new discussion. Silly putty could be used to make a filling for your teeth. staying within the lines in coloring books could help the trembling fingers put on makeup in later years. monopoly could help us manage our Soc Sec checks. And "operation", oh my how handy would that be right now when we try to figure out where it hurts and what needs replaced. Simon Says would help trying to rememb...