WHY WE NEED KATE'S LAW The families of four Kansas City, Kan. men, Mike Capps, Jake Waters, Clint Harter and his brother, Austin Harter, along with Randy Nordman of Montgomery County, Mo, are still trying to put their lives back together after all five men were brutally murdered by a Mexican illegal alien, Pablo Antonio Serrano-Vitorino earlier this month. The Kansas City men were all in their thirties. Nordman was 49 years of age. Clint Harter was the father of two children, with another on the way. All the victims appeared to have been at the wrong place at the wrong time when Serrano-Vitarino went on his crime spree. Vitarino was captured by officers of the Missouri Highway Patrol trying to hide in a ditch alongside I-70 in central Missouri. He had a rifle with him, although he was barred by federal law from legally owning a gun because he is in the country illegally. He was charged in Montgomery County in Nordman’s death, and was charged with four counts of first-degree mur...