On this day 3 years ago Joan Milan Hart · Shared with Public Still thinking about memories today. I've gone through my poetry portfolio to find some of the many poems and essays I have written about memories. Here's another one. This one reaches way back to my first grade at Washington School when we lived in a house down the road. We had a long two-rut lane from the road down to the house and I remember walking with my sisters and mom up that dusty road to the mailbox. I loved the daisies growing among the weeds in the ditch and remember trying to avoid the grasshoppers jumping up on us on hot summer days hoping the wouldn't spit tobacco juice on us, as we had always been told. I went to first grade and half of second grade in the Washington Country School, a one room school where I was introduced to learning. Learning was and is the greatest joy of my life. Learning to read. Learning how to do arithmetic for the first time. Spelling was always my for...