SCHOOL DAY MEMORIES BY: RHODER SMITH Date, Unknown (*ABT. 1920) At the old Barclay School, where we learn the golden rule We learn to read and how to write, how to wrestle and to fight. We learn to cipher and to spell, and a lot of things I would not tell. The Jennings boys so timid and so sly, Everett and Enoch both good fellows too. They always done unto others, as you have them do unto you. Rhoder and Vernie Smith: there wasn't anything they wouldn't do, They would even smoke and chew. There's Leo and Arthur, both were Paynes indeed, When it came to fighting, Arthur took the lead. There was Omer Hicks, as swift as any steed; He's now a minister of the gospel and sower of the seed. There was Bert and Delmar, Bill and Oree (?), All were Bishops full of vim, sons of Alley and of Jim. Homer Davison, a happy go lucky lad, Lived near Corkery but later moved to Plad. There was Roy and Troy Jennings, who lived down the hill, They crossed the creek were...