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The Harbinger - Most Important Book You Will Read This Year

By Joan Rowden Hart

This is not the type of column I usually write, but I believe it is
the most important one I’ve ever written, even going back to 1983 when
I began writing for the Springfield News-Leader.

My purpose is to encourage you to read a book called The Harbinger by
Jonathan Cahn.  It has been on the NY Times Best Seller list for 35
weeks now and was No. 9 when I checked the list this morning.

Three caveats for you before you read further.  The current movie
promotion by the same name you may be seeing on television is not
related to this book at all.  And I also want to assure you that this
book is not political in any way and does not promote nor denigrate
any candidate in the current political campaigns.  Nor does it have to
do with the Book of Revelation or any of the signs and prophecies
portrayed therein.

Jonathan Cahn is a Messianic Jew, a Jewish rabbi who has converted to
Christianity by accepting Jesus Christ as the Messiah.  He is a noted
author and speaker and is recognized nation-wide as a Biblical
authority with expertise in writing and speaking from the Old
Testament scriptures.

The book is full of mysteries, and I’m using the Biblical Greek word
for mystery, “musterion”, meaning "not something obscure or
incomprehensible, but a secret imparted only to those who have been
instructed."  So, it is something which is unknown only until it is

The book is written in narrative form and is classified by the NY
Times as fiction but it is based on Biblical truth found in Isaiah
9:10 and 11, and deals with what happened in NYC on September 11, 2001
and portends the future of our country as we go forward.

I became interested in the book about a month ago when I picked up on
something I heard on television, just one of the many soundbites that
passes through my consciousness on a daily basis, as I am a “news
freak” and pretty much confined to my home anymore so I read a lot and
watch a lot of news.

I am not one to fall for the everyday “hype” of all the books and
movies that purport to alert us to a coming apocalypse, or doomsday,
etc.  But the premise of this book was  different, and so intrigued me
that I downloaded it on my Kindle immediately and began reading.

It didn’t take me long to recognize why this book has been on the Best
Seller list for so long, but the first mystery I encountered in my own
mind was why I have not heard of it until now and no one else I talked
to seemed to have heard of it.  I’ve never seen it mentioned on talk
shows, nor have I seen the author interviewed.

As a Kindle owner and avid reader I pretty much keep up with what’s
current although I normally don’t read fiction, and this book seemed
to have flown under the radar as far as I and many others are

It was only when I finished the book this morning and read Chapters 20
and 21 that I realized why a book of this magnitude could start out as
a Best Seller and then appear to fade into oblivion as far as the
secular media is concerned.

I am not going to give that secret away because I want you to read
this book and let the content move you as it has me.

It was also this morning as I was reading the final chapters that I
realized as the author was writing about the cross-shaped bars of iron
found at Ground Zero that he had no idea when he wrote this book
approximately a year ago that the iron cross would be a major source
of controversy this year on the 11th anniversary of September 11.

I literally broke out in a cold sweat and began weeping to the point
where Milan came into the room to see if I was alright.  And no, I am
not, and neither will you be if you read this book and make it to that
point.  I will never be the same person again.

In order to read and understand and appreciate this book you will need
to believe two truths.  First, you will need to believe that this
country was founded as a Christian nation under God and that God has
had His hand upon it from the very beginning.  Second you will need to
believe that God has judged and will continue to judge sin, not only
in the lives of individuals but in the history of nations.

I realize that may leave some of my readers out of the loop but based
on what I know about the people of Laclede County and the Ozarks, I
think I am safe in saying that most of you do believe these things.

So I close this column by begging every pastor and priest and Bible
teacher to read “The Harbinger” and of course every person who is
concerned about the future of our country.

If this author is wrong, then you have lost nothing but the money
and/or time you have invested in the book (and you can read it for
free from the library)

But if he is right…… then the rest is up to you.


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