If you are a news hound like I am, you probably see or hear at least one news report a day which makes your head spin and leaves you saying "what in the world were they thinking?" My column this week details several such recent stories. Perhaps they make sense to you. They certainly do not make sense to me. Most of these stories would start with me saying, "Now let me get this straight"....even while I know there is no way there could be a reasonable explanation for someone's words or actions. First off would be a statement by Terry O'Neill, President of the National Organization For Women, an organization notorious for its aggressive pro-abortion stance. In an editorial she wrote for the Huffington Post this week she said "From a public health point of view, abortion care, no less than contraception, is an essential measure to prevent the heartbreak of infant mortality. In other words, American women need direct access to abortions so they...