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WHAT WERE THEY THINKING? By Joan Hart, published in Lebanon Daily Record on July 26, 2014

 If you are a news hound like I am, you probably see or hear at least one news report a day which makes your head spin and leaves you saying "what in the world were they thinking?"
My column this week details several such recent stories.  Perhaps they make sense to you.  They certainly do not make sense to me.  Most of these stories would start with me saying, "Now let me get this straight"....even while I know there is no way there could be  a reasonable explanation for someone's words or actions.

First off would be a statement by Terry O'Neill, President of the National Organization For Women, an organization notorious for its aggressive pro-abortion stance.  In an editorial she wrote for the Huffington Post this week she said "From a public health point of view, abortion care, no less than contraception, is an essential measure to prevent the heartbreak of infant mortality.

In other words, American women need direct access to  abortions so they can kill these babies before they die.  Say what???

And along the same lines, staff members working  for Planned Parenthood in several states, including Illinois, Indiana and Colorado,were secretly videotaped  counselling women as young as 15 on how to enjoy violent sex with whips, asphyxiation and torture.

The Illinois Planned Parenthood receives nearly $600 million in federal dollars, but in addition Illinois taxpayers have paid out millions of dollars to the Illinois organization over the past several years, ranging from $10 million in 2011 to nearly $7 million thus far in 2014.

I suggest you go to Planned Parenthood's website, if you dare, and follow some of the links.  One of them leads you to a discussion of sado-masochism,  bondage and torture, paraphilia, etc, all of which are described as "less common sexual practices" but with no words of warning or condemnation whatsoever.

I heard a news report this week that gives the lie to the administration’s claim that we have a humanitarian crisis at our border because of vulnerable children.  The statistic I heard is that at least 40%of the illegals crossing our border are either adults or teenagers aged 14 through 18, and that they come here to meet up with family members, who also are illegals, and who are taking advantage of free food, and shelter, and health care and especially transportation to their preferred destination in the US.  Just more welfare seekers.

When someone enters the country through a legal process and establishes themselves before sending for family members to join them here, it takes many years and thousands of their hard earned dollars to bring family members here.  But if they come illegally, as they are doing now, they take the easy, albeit illegal, path to reuniting with family members, at the expense of us, the American taxpayers.

And if the Administration is really serious about finding the illegals a place to stay, let them bus them to the US cities which have declared themselves to be “sanctuary” cities where the liberals can take care of them to their bleeding hearts’ content.  Those cities includeWashington, D.C., New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco, San Diego, Austin, Salt Lake City, Dallas, Detroit, Houston, Jersey City, Minneapolis, Miami,Denver Baltimore, Seattle, Portland in Oregon and Portland in Maine.  Sanctuary cities have adopted ordinances refraining from stopping or questioning people to determine their immigration status.

Ready for the next head-spinning “what are they thinking” story?  Sgt Bowe Bergdahl. deserter extraordinaire, has returned to active duty and now has a desk job at Fort Sam Houston and could be given $350,000 in tax-free back pay.

That reminded me that we paid Major Nidal Hasan, the Fort Hood shooter, $300,000 while he was awaiting trial and the army was unable to get it back once he was convicted, because he had given it all to Muslim “charities”.    Sure.  Is your head spinning yet?

Remember how the President brought Bergdahl’s  parents to the White House and made a big display of them, allowing the father to utter a Muslim prayer as they rejoiced over the fact their prodigal son had been found and would be coming home.

Well, as of this week the parents still hadn’t spoken to their illustrious son since his “rescue”.   What’s with that?

The President spoke with the Mexican president a few days ago but still did not        mention Marine Sgt Andrew Tahmooressie. a brave soldier who served two terms in Iraq and helped save lives there, but  the President will do nothing to save his life.

I have not seen his mother in the Rose Garden yet, although more than 100,000 people have signed a petition on the White House website calling for the president to effect his release from the Mexican prison.

And finally, we learned this week that requests had been made to the State Department for an M240 machine gun to be mounted on the roof of our consulate at Benghazi to provide additional protection prior to the attack in 2012,  and the request was denied by the State Department (read that Hillary Clinton) because it “would upset the locals”.

American personnel there were worried because members of Ansar al-Sharia had moved to the house just outside the east wall of our compound so the Americans asked for sandbags to fortify positions at the compound.  This request was denied because “making shooting positions was too aesthetically unpleasing”.

In other words, it would mess up the looks of the property.  Folks, you can’t make this stuff up.  So our Ambassador and 3 brave military men died that night.  I hope the blood around the compound and the burned out consulate  didn’t mar the appearance of the neighborhood too much.


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