Christmas is over. The stockings once hung by the chimney with care have been emptied of their goodies and are folded and ready to be put away until next year. The lights that twinkled so brightly in past weeks have lost their glow and have been wound neatly around one of those light reels that those of you who are super organized buy and use, or thrown into a shoebox by the rest of us too tired to deal with them now. The ornaments have been carefully removed from the tree branches and placed back in their designated boxes. The smaller children who once nestled so snug in their beds are playing with toy trucks or the fashion doll of the year, and older kids are decking out their tablets and smart phones and other electronic gadgets in the new colorful “skins” so prized by teenagers today. Leftovers from the dinner of Christmas past are chilling in the refrigerator awaiting a resurrection in days to come in casseroles, soups, and sandwiches. Trees and garlands...